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type Budget {
branchId: Int!
groupId: String!
ledgerId: Int!
financialYear: String!
released: Boolean!
releasedAmount: Decimal!
accountId: Int
subaccountId: Int
description: String
amount: Decimal
distributedAmount: Decimal!
lastModifiedDateTime: DateTime!
periods: [Period!]
companyId: Int!
id: String!
createdInDataMartDateTime: DateTime!
updatedInDataMartDateTime: DateTime!


Budget.branchId ● Int! non-null scalar

branchId > The unique identifier of the branch

Budget.groupId ● String! non-null scalar

groupId > The unique identifier of the budget line

Budget.ledgerId ● Int! non-null scalar

ledgerId > The unique identifier of the ledger

Budget.financialYear ● String! non-null scalar

financialYear > The financial year of the budget

Budget.released ● Boolean! non-null scalar

released > The budget area > The budget articles pane > Released > A check box that indicates (if selected) that the budget article has been released

Budget.releasedAmount ● Decimal! non-null scalar

releasedAmount > The budget area > The budget articles pane > Released amount > The amount that has been released for this article

Budget.accountId ● Int scalar

accountId > The budget area > The budget articles pane > Account > The account of the budget article if the article is a leaf on the budget tree

Budget.subaccountId ● Int scalar

subaccountId > The budget area > The budget articles pane > Subaccount > The subaccount of the budget article if the article is a leaf on the budget tree

Budget.description ● String scalar

description > The budget area > The budget articles pane > Description > A description of the budget article. By default, this column displays the account description

Budget.amount ● Decimal scalar

amount > The budget area > The budget articles pane > Amount > The article amount

Budget.distributedAmount ● Decimal! non-null scalar

distributedAmount > The budget area The budget articles pane > Distributed amount > The amount distributed over the periods

Budget.lastModifiedDateTime ● DateTime! non-null scalar

lastModifiedDateTime > A system generated date/time not visible in the window. Value generated based on when the data has been updated

Budget.periods ● [Period!] list object

periods > The table > Period > The period no and the year

Budget.companyId ● Int! non-null scalar

companyId > The unique identifier of the company ● String! non-null scalar

id > The unique identifier of the document

Budget.createdInDataMartDateTime ● DateTime! non-null scalar

createdInDataMartDateTime > The UTC DateTime when this document has been added to DataMart

Budget.updatedInDataMartDateTime ● DateTime! non-null scalar

updatedInDataMartDateTime > The UTC DateTime when this document has been updated in DataMart

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budgetById query ● budgets query