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type GeneralLedgerBalance {
branchId: Int!
ledgerId: Int!
accountId: Int!
subaccountId: Int!
finPeriodId: String!
accountType: String!
baseCuryId: String!
curyId: String
balanceType: String!
periodToDateDebit: Decimal
periodToDateCredit: Decimal
periodToDateDebitInCurrency: Decimal
periodToDateCreditInCurrency: Decimal
yearClosed: Boolean!
beginningBalance: Decimal!
beginningBalanceInCurrency: Decimal
yearToDateBalance: Decimal!
yearToDateBalanceInCurrency: Decimal!
companyId: Int!
id: String!
createdInDataMartDateTime: DateTime!
updatedInDataMartDateTime: DateTime!


GeneralLedgerBalance.branchId ● Int! non-null scalar

branchId > The unique identifier of the branch

GeneralLedgerBalance.ledgerId ● Int! non-null scalar

ledgerId > The unique identifier of the ledger. The ledger used for the batch

GeneralLedgerBalance.accountId ● Int! non-null scalar

accountId > The account of the GL. The account updated by the batch transactions

GeneralLedgerBalance.subaccountId ● Int! non-null scalar

subaccountId > The subaccount used in the batch

GeneralLedgerBalance.finPeriodId ● String! non-null scalar

finPeriodId > The financial period of the transaction

GeneralLedgerBalance.accountType ● String! non-null scalar

accountType > Type of the Account [Asset, Liability, Income, Expense]

GeneralLedgerBalance.baseCuryId ● String! non-null scalar

baseCuryId > Click the Show currency details check box to view the below fields in the window. Currency > The currency of transactions in the account. If it is not specified, the balance is in the base currency

GeneralLedgerBalance.curyId ● String scalar

curyId > The currency of transactions in the account. If it is not specified, the balance is in the base currency

GeneralLedgerBalance.balanceType ● String! non-null scalar

balanceType > Type of the Balance [Actual, Report, Statistical, Budget]

GeneralLedgerBalance.periodToDateDebit ● Decimal scalar

periodToDateDebit > The total of all debit movements for the selected period

GeneralLedgerBalance.periodToDateCredit ● Decimal scalar

periodToDateCredit > The total of all credit movements for the selected period

GeneralLedgerBalance.periodToDateDebitInCurrency ● Decimal scalar

periodToDateDebitInCurrency > The total of all credit movements in the currency of the selected account for the selected period

GeneralLedgerBalance.periodToDateCreditInCurrency ● Decimal scalar

periodToDateCreditInCurrency > The total of all debit movements in the currency of the selected account for the selected period

GeneralLedgerBalance.yearClosed ● Boolean! non-null scalar

yearClosed > True when the last period of a financial year is closed in all modules

GeneralLedgerBalance.beginningBalance ● Decimal! non-null scalar

beginningBalance > The total account balance at the start of the selected period

GeneralLedgerBalance.beginningBalanceInCurrency ● Decimal scalar

beginningBalanceInCurrency > The total account balance in the currency of the selected account at the start of the selected period

GeneralLedgerBalance.yearToDateBalance ● Decimal! non-null scalar

yearToDateBalance > The total account balance at the end of the selected period

GeneralLedgerBalance.yearToDateBalanceInCurrency ● Decimal! non-null scalar

yearToDateBalanceInCurrency > The total account balance in the currency of the selected account at the end of the selected period

GeneralLedgerBalance.companyId ● Int! non-null scalar

companyId > The unique identifier of the company ● String! non-null scalar

id > The unique identifier of the document

GeneralLedgerBalance.createdInDataMartDateTime ● DateTime! non-null scalar

createdInDataMartDateTime > The UTC DateTime when this document has been added to DataMart

GeneralLedgerBalance.updatedInDataMartDateTime ● DateTime! non-null scalar

updatedInDataMartDateTime > The UTC DateTime when this document has been updated in DataMart

Returned By

generalLedgerBalanceById query ● generalLedgerBalances query