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type JournalTransaction {
tranId: Int!
branchId: Int!
ledgerId: Int!
module: String!
batchNbr: String!
tranType: String!
accountId: Int!
finPeriodId: String!
tranDate: DateTime!
refNbr: String
lineNbr: Int!
debitAmt: Decimal
creditAmt: Decimal
curyId: String!
curyDebitAmt: Decimal
curyCreditAmt: Decimal
amount: Decimal
curyAmount: Decimal
subaccountId: Int!
tranDesc: String
supplierId: Int
customerId: Int
uom: String
inventoryId: Int
projectId: Int
taskId: Int
attachments: [Attachment!]
reclassBatchNbr: String
isReclassReverse: Boolean!
reclassSourceTranBatchNbr: String
reclassSourceTranLineNbr: Int
reclassSourceTranModule: String
companyId: Int!
id: String!
createdInDataMartDateTime: DateTime!
updatedInDataMartDateTime: DateTime!


JournalTransaction.tranId ● Int! non-null scalar

tranId > The unique identifier of the DataMart TransactionId

JournalTransaction.branchId ● Int! non-null scalar

branchId > The unique identifier of the branch

JournalTransaction.ledgerId ● Int! non-null scalar

ledgerId > The unique identifier of the ledger. The ledger used for the batch

JournalTransaction.module ● String! non-null scalar

module > The workspace where the batch originates. [ModuleGL, ModuleAP, ModuleAR, ModuleCA, ModuleCM, ModuleIN, ModuleSO, ModulePO, ModuleDR, ModuleFA, ModuleEP, ModulePM, ModuleTX, ModuleCR]

JournalTransaction.batchNbr ● String! non-null scalar

batchNbr > The unique Id of the batch, which is generated by the numbering sequence assigned to batches in the Visma Net UI GL102000 window

JournalTransaction.tranType ● String! non-null scalar

tranType > The type of this general ledger batch, which is specified by the system automatically

JournalTransaction.accountId ● Int! non-null scalar

accountId > The account (associated with the specified branch) whose balance will be updated by the journal entry

JournalTransaction.finPeriodId ● String! non-null scalar

finPeriodId > The financial period of the transaction

JournalTransaction.tranDate ● DateTime! non-null scalar

tranDate > The date when the batch was created, which relates to the transaction dates of the journal entries

JournalTransaction.refNbr ● String scalar

refNbr > The reference number of the external or internal document associated with the journal transaction

JournalTransaction.lineNbr ● Int! non-null scalar

lineNbr > Number that is indicating the line number of the record (JournalTransaction)

JournalTransaction.debitAmt ● Decimal scalar

debitAmt > The debit amount of the journal entry

JournalTransaction.creditAmt ● Decimal scalar

creditAmt > The credit amount of the journal entry

JournalTransaction.curyId ● String! non-null scalar

curyId > The currency used for all the journal transactions in the selected batch

JournalTransaction.curyDebitAmt ● Decimal scalar

curyDebitAmt > Background calculation giving you the debit amount in your default currency. This field is applicable if the amount is given in another currency than your default

JournalTransaction.curyCreditAmt ● Decimal scalar

curyCreditAmt > Background calculation giving you the Credit amount in your default currency. This field is applicable if the amount is given in another currency than your default

JournalTransaction.amount ● Decimal scalar

amount > amount = debitAmt - creditAmt

JournalTransaction.curyAmount ● Decimal scalar

curyAmount > curyAmount = curyDebitAmt - curyCreditAmt

JournalTransaction.subaccountId ● Int! non-null scalar

subaccountId > The unique identifier of the subaccount

JournalTransaction.tranDesc ● String scalar

tranDesc > A description of the transaction or any comments relevant to the transaction

JournalTransaction.supplierId ● Int scalar

supplierId > Supplier > The supplier associated with the entry

JournalTransaction.customerId ● Int scalar

customerId > The customer associated with the entry

JournalTransaction.uom ● String scalar

uom > The unit of measurement / quantity of items associated with the transaction, if relevant

JournalTransaction.inventoryId ● Int scalar

inventoryId > The item Id of the line item, if applicable

JournalTransaction.projectId ● Int scalar

projectId > The project with which this batch is associated, or the code indicating that this batch is not associated with any project

JournalTransaction.taskId ● Int scalar

taskId > The particular task of the project with which this batch is associated

JournalTransaction.attachments ● [Attachment!] list object

attachments > Files that have been uploaded to this Journal Transaction

JournalTransaction.reclassBatchNbr ● String scalar

reclassBatchNbr > The created BatchNbr for the reclassification

JournalTransaction.isReclassReverse ● Boolean! non-null scalar

isReclassReverse > The reverse of the original transaction

JournalTransaction.reclassSourceTranBatchNbr ● String scalar

reclassSourceTranBatchNbr > The BatchNbr of the original transaction

JournalTransaction.reclassSourceTranLineNbr ● Int scalar

reclassSourceTranLineNbr > The LineNbr of the original transaction

JournalTransaction.reclassSourceTranModule ● String scalar

reclassSourceTranModule > The Module of the original transaction

JournalTransaction.companyId ● Int! non-null scalar

companyId > The unique identifier of the company ● String! non-null scalar

id > The unique identifier of the document

JournalTransaction.createdInDataMartDateTime ● DateTime! non-null scalar

createdInDataMartDateTime > The UTC DateTime when this document has been added to DataMart

JournalTransaction.updatedInDataMartDateTime ● DateTime! non-null scalar

updatedInDataMartDateTime > The UTC DateTime when this document has been updated in DataMart

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journalTransactionById query ● journalTransactions query