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type SOLine {
orderType: String!
orderNbr: String!
orderDate: DateTime
lineNbr: Int!
sortOrder: Int
branchId: Int!
behavior: String!
operation: String!
inventoryId: Int
itemClassId: Int
itemStatus: String
siteId: Int
lotSerialNbr: String
expireDate: DateTime
uom: String
orderQty: Decimal!
shippedQty: Decimal!
curyUnitPrice: Decimal!
unitPrice: Decimal!
unitCost: Decimal
curyUnitCost: Decimal!
taxCategoryId: String
subaccountId: Int
alternateId: String
tranDesc: String
manualDisc: Boolean
discPct: Decimal!
discAmt: Decimal!
taskId: Int
reasonCode: String
salesPersonId: Int
commissionable: Boolean!
invtMult: Short!
shipComplete: String
completeQtyMin: Decimal!
completeQtyMax: Decimal!
openQty: Decimal!
curyLineAmt: Decimal
lineAmt: Decimal
completed: Boolean
curyUnbilledAmt: Decimal
shipDate: DateTime
requestDate: DateTime
discountId: String
invoiceNbr: String
isFree: Boolean
poCreate: Boolean!
poSource: String
isRUTROTDeductible: Boolean!
noteId: UUID
externalLink: String
discUnitPrice: Decimal
unbilledAmount: Decimal!
attachments: [Attachment!]
baseUnitName: String
quantityInBaseUnit: Decimal
companyId: Int!
id: String!
createdInDataMartDateTime: DateTime!
updatedInDataMartDateTime: DateTime!


SOLine.orderType ● String! non-null scalar

orderType > The type of the document, which is one of the predefined order types or a custom order type created by using the window SO201000

SOLine.orderNbr ● String! non-null scalar

orderNbr > The reference number of the document

SOLine.orderDate ● DateTime scalar

orderDate > The date of the document

SOLine.lineNbr ● Int! non-null scalar

lineNbr > Document details tab > Line no. > The line number of the document

SOLine.sortOrder ● Int scalar

sortOrder > Document details tab > Line order > The order number of the document line. The system regenerates this number automatically when you reorder the lines in the table

SOLine.branchId ● Int! non-null scalar

branchId > The unique identifier of the branch

SOLine.behavior ● String! non-null scalar

behavior > Template settings tab > Automation behaviour > An automation behaviour is a set of automation steps. The type of automation behaviour used for the template, which can be Sales order, Invoice, Quote, Credit note, or RMA order

SOLine.operation ● String! non-null scalar

operation > the operation to be performed in the workspace to fulfil the order. This information is collected from the system and not visible on the sales order line

SOLine.inventoryId ● Int scalar

inventoryId > The unique identifier of the Inventory item

SOLine.itemClassId ● Int scalar

itemClassId > Id of the Item Class assigned to the Inventory item

SOLine.itemStatus ● String scalar

itemStatus > orderNbr > Status of the Inventory item. [Active, No sales, No purchases, No request, Inactive, Marked for deletion]

SOLine.siteId ● Int scalar

siteId > The unique identifier of the Warehouse

SOLine.lotSerialNbr ● String scalar

lotSerialNbr > The lot or serial number of the item for returns

SOLine.expireDate ● DateTime scalar

expireDate > The expiration date for the item with the specified lot number

SOLine.uom ● String scalar

uom > The unit of measure (UoM) used for the item with this item Id

SOLine.orderQty ● Decimal! non-null scalar

orderQty > The quantity of the item sold, measured in the UoM

SOLine.shippedQty ● Decimal! non-null scalar

shippedQty > A read-only column that displays the quantity of the stock item being prepared for shipment and already shipped for this order

SOLine.curyUnitPrice ● Decimal! non-null scalar

curyUnitPrice > The unit price in base currency of the document

SOLine.unitPrice ● Decimal! non-null scalar

unitPrice > The price of the unit on the sales order

SOLine.unitCost ● Decimal scalar

unitCost > The cost of the unit on the sales order

SOLine.curyUnitCost ● Decimal! non-null scalar

curyUnitCost > The cost of the unit in currency

SOLine.taxCategoryId ● String scalar

taxCategoryId > The VAT category of the goods mentioned in the salesOrderLine

SOLine.subaccountId ● Int scalar

subaccountId > The unique identifier of the subaccount

SOLine.alternateId ● String scalar

alternateId > The alternate Id for the item, such as the item Id used by the customer

SOLine.tranDesc ● String scalar

tranDesc > Line description > The description of the unit

SOLine.manualDisc ● Boolean scalar

manualDisc > A check box that indicates (if selected) that the discount has been applied manually

SOLine.discPct ● Decimal! non-null scalar

discPct > The percent of the line-level discount that has been applied manually or automatically to this line item (if the item is not a free item)

SOLine.discAmt ● Decimal! non-null scalar

discAmt > The amount of the line-level discount that has been applied manually or automatically to this line item (if the item is not a free item)

SOLine.taskId ● Int scalar

taskId > The particular task of the project with which this document is associated

SOLine.reasonCode ● String scalar

reasonCode > The reason code to be used for creation or cancellation of the order, if applicable

SOLine.salesPersonId ● Int scalar

salesPersonId > The salesperson associated with the sale of the line item

SOLine.commissionable ● Boolean! non-null scalar

commissionable > A check box that indicates that this line is subjected to sales commission. The details of commissions are shown on the Commissions tab

SOLine.invtMult ● Short! non-null scalar

invtMult > The multiplier for the quantity

SOLine.shipComplete ● String scalar

shipComplete > Shipping rule > An option that controls whether incomplete and partial shipments for the order are allowed. [Values: Ship complete, Back order allowed, Cancel remainder]

SOLine.completeQtyMin ● Decimal! non-null scalar

completeQtyMin > Undership threshold (%) > The minimal percentage of goods shipped (with respect to the ordered quantity) to consider the order shipped completely

SOLine.completeQtyMax ● Decimal! non-null scalar

completeQtyMax > Overship threshold (%) > The maximum percentage of goods shipped (with respect to the ordered quantity) allowed by the customer

SOLine.openQty ● Decimal! non-null scalar

openQty > The quantity of the item to be shipped; that is, the total quantity minus the quantity shipped according to closed shipment documents

SOLine.curyLineAmt ● Decimal scalar

curyLineAmt > Extended price in currency which is the unit price multiplied by the quantity

SOLine.lineAmt ● Decimal scalar

lineAmt > Extended Price which is the unit price multiplied by the quantity

SOLine.completed ● Boolean scalar

completed > A check box that can be selected to indicate to the system that this line is completed

SOLine.curyUnbilledAmt ● Decimal scalar

curyUnbilledAmt > Amount in currency not yet invoiced > The amount of cancelled shipments and cancelled remainders

SOLine.shipDate ● DateTime scalar

shipDate > Ship on > The date when the item is to be shipped

SOLine.requestDate ● DateTime scalar

requestDate > Requested on > The date when the customer wants to receive the goods. The default value is the current business date

SOLine.discountId ● String scalar

discountId > The code of the discount that has been applied to this line

SOLine.invoiceNbr ● String scalar

invoiceNbr > Financial settings tab > Financial information section > Invoice no. > The invoice number of the invoice generated for this order

SOLine.isFree ● Boolean scalar

isFree > A check box that indicates (if selected) that the stock item specified in the row is a free item. This information is collected from the system and not visible on the sales order line

SOLine.poCreate ● Boolean! non-null scalar

poCreate > Mark for purchase order > A check box that indicates (if selected) that the order line was marked for purchasing (if it has not been shipped completely)

SOLine.poSource ● String scalar

poSource > Purchase order source > The purchase order source to be used to fulfill this line, which can be one of the following options: Purchase to order, Drop-shipment

SOLine.isRUTROTDeductible ● Boolean! non-null scalar

isRUTROTDeductible > True / False > If the line / item included in the RUTROT calculations

SOLine.noteId ● UUID scalar

noteId > Visma Net UI tables in tab > Icon Notes > Pop-up window for providing any user-defined text connected to the order [InternalId of the notes]

SOLine.externalLink ● String scalar

externalLink > Editable string field > The Field is only editable as long as sales order document status is Open. Once the document (SO) has been associated with Shipment or Invoice then this field becomes read-only

SOLine.discUnitPrice ● Decimal scalar

discUnitPrice > The unit price, which has been recalculated after the application of discounts

SOLine.unbilledAmount ● Decimal! non-null scalar

unbilledAmount > Amount not yet invoiced > The amount of cancelled shipments and cancelled remainders

SOLine.attachments ● [Attachment!] list object

attachments > The data containing information about the document attachments

SOLine.baseUnitName ● String scalar

baseUnitName > The unit of measure (UoM) used for the item with this item Id

SOLine.quantityInBaseUnit ● Decimal scalar

quantityInBaseUnit > The quantity of the item sold, measured in the UoM

SOLine.companyId ● Int! non-null scalar

companyId > The unique identifier of the company ● String! non-null scalar

id > The unique identifier of the document

SOLine.createdInDataMartDateTime ● DateTime! non-null scalar

createdInDataMartDateTime > The UTC DateTime when this document has been added to DataMart

SOLine.updatedInDataMartDateTime ● DateTime! non-null scalar

updatedInDataMartDateTime > The UTC DateTime when this document has been updated in DataMart

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salesOrderLineById query ● salesOrderLines query